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We want to hear from you

Please feel free to email to join, ask questions, or share information that you think might be helpful to others with SCA6. Personal information is not required to join. We have a teleconference series with short educational agendas and time for open discussion.

Also, there are several Facebook groups that offer support. The Facebook SCA-6 Ataxia Support Group has existed for multiple years, and is expertly administrated by a member of this group. It is a closed group and can be joined by clicking here or by typing “SCA-6 Ataxia Support Group” in the search box at the top of your Facebook page.

Other facebook groups with general discussion about ataxia include:
Ataxia Support Group
National Ataxia Foundation
Spinocerebellar Ataxia Awareness and Research Support Group
Utah Ataxia Support Group

Though not specific for SCA6, the National Ataxia Foundation (NAF) has information about all ataxia types, research, advocacy, organized ataxia groups, and events at

The aim of the SCA6 Network is to supplement the information offered by broader NAF with information and effort specific for people affected by SCA6.